Martin J. DÜRST, Makoto FUJIMORI, Takeshi MAEMURA, Tohru KOGA, Kazunari ITO
Aoyama Gakuin University
© 2007 Martin J. Dürst et al., Aoyama Gakuin University
A rectangle in SVG:
<rect x='100' y='200' width='50' height='30'/>
Wouldn't you sometimes want to write this like:
rect 100, 200, 50, 30
With SVuGy, you can!
SVG + Ruby = SVuGy
Pronounced SVeeGee
Practical: Create simple diagrams for lectures
Side-effect: Ruby programming and DSL experience
Long-term: Study procedural → declarative transition
Declarative: Straightforward and safe, fast, easy for beginners
Procedural: Powerful and flexible, difficult to use
→ Sometimes, you want both!
→ Web standards move frequent procedural idioms to descriptive syntax (CSS, SVG, XForms,...)
Domain Specific Language
External DSL: Standalone, special-purpose parser,...
Internal DSL: Part of programming language syntax, programming language features available
Why Ruby?
→ Ruby is short
→ Ruby is easy
→ Ruby is powerful
Ruby is fun!
Programming/Scripting language, developed by Yukihiro MATSUMOTO ("Matz") starting in 1993
"Better" Perl, fully object-oriented, includes elements of Smalltalk, Lisp,...
ca. 2000: 'discovered' by Dave Thomas (Pragmatic Programmers)
ca. 2004: David Heinemeier Hansson publishes Ruby on Rails high-productivity Web application framework
Productive version is 1.8(.6), 1.9 in the works with faster engine and maybe better internationalization
Fully object-oriented: "abc".length
Open classes: Add your own favorite methods to base classes
Flexible Typing (duck typing)
5.times { print "Hello World!" } do |file| ... end
Meta-programming: programmatic creation of methods, reflection,...
to end any construct that starts with a word
, while
,...)rect 100, 200, 30, 50 circle 300, 300, 50 ellipse 400, 500, 20, 60 polygon 100, 100, 20, 100, 20, 20, 100, 20 text 'Hello SVuGy!', 50, 40
And so on...
Don't forget commas!
Using blocks:
g { # group contents }
Both SVG elements and SVG attributes can go into block
Parentheses | No Parentheses | |
do block |
method(arg) do block end |
method arg do block end |
{} block |
method(arg) { block } |
method arg1 { block } |
and friends are methods of the grouping objectrect
)Syntax variants:
rect(0, 0, 200, 200).style(:fill =>
rect(0, 0, 200, 200) { style { fill :red }
rect(0, 0, 200, 200).fill(:red)
rect(0, 0, 200, 200) { fill :red
Syntax for transforms uses variants 3 and 4
CSS/SVG | Ruby/SVuGy | |
Strings are explicit | red |
'red' (String) or :red (Symbol) |
Colons move right | fill: red |
fill :red |
Hyphens move down | stroke_width |
stroke-width |
# becomes H | #ff0000 |
H000000 |
rect 20, 50, 50, 100
→ rect p1, 50, 100
rect p1, 50, 100
rect :r2, p1, 50, 100
Composite objects introduced on a by-need base
text('sample text', 150, 250).rotate -90, 150, 250
text('sample text', p1=pt(150, 250)).rotate -90, p1
rotated_text 'sample text', 150, 250, -90
(top-right corner of r1