Information Technology Seminar I: How to Install Software

Ruby Rspec Cucumber

Aoyama Gakuin University, Summer 2011, Martin J. Dürst (last updated 2011-05-18)

  1. Install the latest versions of Ruby 1.9 and/or Ruby 1.8 from RubyInstaller
    (best to install both, currently newest versions are 1.9.e2-p180 and 1.8.7-p334)
  2. From the same location, download the Development Kit
    (DevKit; current version is from 20101214)
  3. Unpack the DevKit into a folder
    (make sure you create a folder, otherwise all the files are spread in the current directory)
  4. From the Windows Start button, look for one of the Ruby installations from Step 1 and start up "Start Command Prompt with Ruby"
  5. In the command prompt, cd (change directory) to the DevKit directory
  6. (in the command prompt) Type ruby dk.rb init to initialize DevKit configuration
  7. Type ruby dk.rb review to review DevKit configuration
  8. Type ruby dk.rb install to install DevKit(s) according to configuration
  9. Follow the steps from Chapter 2 (pp. 11,...) of The RSpec Book - Behavior-Driven Development with RSpec, Cucumber, and Friends, David Chelimsky et al., The Pragmatic Programmers, 2010 (this may take some time).
    1. Type gem install rspec --version 2.0.1
    2. Type gem install cucumber --version 0.9.2
  10. Download and unpack the program files for the book from
    (these are large; downloading and unpacking may take quite some time)