© 2006-14 Martin J. Dürst 青山学院大学
1月31日(金曜日2限、11:10-12:35): 期末試験
In lecture 2, we proved associativity of addition (a + (b+c) = (a+b) + c) from the Peano Axioms.
This was a (very informal) proof by mathematical induction.
Here we prove commutativity of addition (a+b = b+a), also by mathematical induction.
Reminder: axioms of addition (expressed with predicate logic)
Note: Induction for Peano arithmetic is:
S(1) ∧ (∀k∈ℕ+: S(k) →
S(s(k)) ⇒ (∀n∈ℕ+, n:
Lemma: 1+a = s(a) = a+1
(a lemma is a minor theorem, used as a stepping stone)
Base case (a=1):
1+1 = s(1) [axiom of addition 1]
= s(1) [axiom of addition 1]
= 1+1
Induction hypothesis: 1+k = s(k) = k+1
We need to prove 1+s(k) = s(s(k)) = s(k)+1
1 + s(k) [axiom of addition 1]
1 + (k +1) [associativity of
= (1+k)+1 [hypothesis]
= s(k)+1 [axiom of addition 1]
= s(s(k)) Q.E.D.
Theorem: a+b = b+a
Method: Use induction over b.
[General remark: if there are more than two variables, try induction over one of them.]
Base case (b=1):
a+1 = 1+a from Lemma on previous slide
Induction hypothesis: a+k = k+a
We need to prove a+s(k) = s(k)+a
a+s(k) [axiom of addition 1]
= a+(k+1) [associativity of
= (a+k)+1 [hypothesis]
= (k+a)+1 [associativity of
= k+(a+1) [lemma on previous slide]
= k+(1+a) [associativity of
= (k+1)+a [axiom of addition 1]
= s(k)+a Q.E.D.
Number sequence: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 23, 34, 57,...
Definition of Fibonacci function fib(n):
Wide range of applications:
Wide range of mathematical properties
Property: fib(n+m) = fib(m) · fib(n+1) + fib(m-1) · fib(n) (∀n≥0, m≥1)
Proof by induction over n:
Base case (n=0):
fib(0+m) = fib(m) ·
fib(0+1) + fib(m-1) · fib(0)
fib(m) = fib(m) · 1 +
fib(m-1) · 0
Induction hypothesis: fib(k+m) = fib(m) · fib(k+1) + fib(m-1) · fib(k) (∀m≥1)
We need to prove fib(k+1+m) =
fib(m) · fib(k+2) +
fib(m-1) · fib(k+1)
(Hint: Start with more difficult side)
fib(m) · fib(k+2) +
fib(m-1) · fib(k+1) [Definition of
fib (k>0)]
= fib(m) ·
(fib(k+1)+fib(k)) +
fib(m-1) · fib(k+1)
= (fib(m)+ fib(m-1)) ·
fib(k+1) + fib(m) ·
fib(k) [arithmetic]
= fib(m+1) · fib(k+1) +
fib(m) · fib(k) [hypothesis,
m = m+1]
= fib(k+m+1) [arithmetic]
= fib(k+1+m) Q.E.D.
基底: 根だけの木の場合、節の数が 1 (n=1) で、葉の数も 1 (l=1) なので n = 2l-1 が明らか。
帰納: 伸びる前の節の数を n, 葉の数を l、一歩伸びる後の節の数を n', 葉の数を l' とする。
仮定: n = 2l-1
証明すべき: n' = 2l'-1
一歩伸びると節の数が n から n+2 に増える: n'=n+2 (1)
一歩伸びると葉の数が 2個増で一個減: l'=l+2-1=l+1; l = l'-1 (2)
n' [(1)]
= n+2 [仮定]
= 2l-1+2 [(2)]
= 2(l'-1)-1+2 [算数]
= 2l'-1 Q.E.D.
情報数学 II: 情報理論、グラフ理論など (二年前期、大原先生)
計算機実習 I (二年前期)
データ構造とアルゴリズム (二年後期)
言語理論とコンパイラ (三年前期)
卒業研究 (四年通年、デモ)