Schedule of Computer Programming I

Aoyama Gakuin University, College of Science and Engineering, Department of Integrated Information Technology, Spring 2018

Martin J. Dürst, O-529,

April 12
Overview of lecture, introduction to exercise environment, basic types, definition and use of variables
April 19
Operators: Type, usages, and priority of operators, relationship between operators and types
演算子: 演算子の種類、使い方、優先度; 演算子とデータ型の関係
April 26
Control structures: Conditions, conditionals, and loops / 制御文: 条件、枝分かれ、繰り返し
April 30 (Monday; Showa Day; 月曜日; 昭和の日; 授業実施日)
Standard input/output and redirection / 標準入出力とリダイレクト
May 3
[Constitution Day / 憲法記念日]
May 10
Creation and use of functions / 関数の作り方と使い方
May 17
Structures, unions, enumerations, and type definitions
構造体 (struct)、共用体 (union)、列挙型 (enum)、typedef
May 24
Integrated exercises I / 総合演習 I
May 31
First steps towards C++: Structures + functions = classes
C++ の初歩: 構造体 + 関数 = クラス
June 7
Pointer basics: Relationship between pointers and memory, pointer types
ポインタの基礎: ポインタとメモリ配置の関係、型としてのポインタ
June 14
Applications of pointers I: References, indirection / ポインタの応用 I: 参照、間接
June 21
Applications of pointers II: Memory management, array processing, dynamic memory
ポインタの応用 II: メモリ操作、配列の処理、動的メモリ
June 28
Use of the standard library, file input/output, binary input/output
July 5
Integrated exercises II / 総合演習 II
July 12
Integrated exercises III / 総合演習 III
July 19
Integrated exercises IIII / 総合演習 IIII
July 26
Term final exam / 期末試験期間