Integrated exercises III

(総合演習 III)

Computing Practice I

14th lecture, July 12, 2018

Martin J. Dürst


© 2005-18 Martin J. Dürst 青山学院大学

Today's Schedule





Remaining Schedule


Programming Contest


Last Week's Exam

If you have less than 40 points, please think very seriously how you can improve.

Exams will be handed back after this lecture.


Results of Previous Exercises

1301 1302 1303 1304
100 points 59 20 4 4
60 points 35 62 36 31
errors 3 3 11 2
not submitted 3 15 49 63

Total of problems solved: 4 problems: 19 students, 3 problems: 26 students, 2 problems: 45 students, 1 problems: 7 students, 0 problems: 3 student

Number of students who did not complete a single problem before 18:30: 36 students


Important Points for Application Exercises


Selection of Data Structures (Example: 1303)

Data across multiple trials: none

Data common to all investment plans: duration, interest rate ⇒ single variables

Number of investment plans: Maximum 20 ⇒ array

Data per investment plan: initial investment, sales profit, operating expenses, net revenue, net present value, plan number ⇒ struct


Function vs. Initialization (Example: 1304)

Using functions:

int shrimp(int protein,int calcium)
    int price;
    price = protein+calcium;
    if (price>=20) return price-20;
    else           return 0;

Using initialization:

#define FOODS 8
#define NUTRIENTS 5
typedef struct { int nutrient[NUTRIENTS]; int price; } Food;
int main(void)
    Food foods[FOODS] = { { { 1, 1, 0, 0, 0}, 22 },
                          { { 0, 1, 1, 0, 0}, 20 },

応用課題演習 III


締切は全部 7月16日 (月曜日)

解く順番は自由が、解き始めた問題は完成 (1401 からの順で推薦)

入力は問題文で説明した範囲内に限定 (エラーチェックは不要)

解け方 (アルゴリズム) は (紙などで) 例を作って実験してみる

Q&A フォーラムの活用! 題名に注意!

