Approximation Algorithms
Data Structures and Algorithms
15th lecture, January 10, 2018
Martin J. Dürst
© 2009-18 Martin
J. Dürst 青山学院大学
Today's Schedule
- Leftovers and summary of last lecture
- How to deal with NP problems
- Approximation algorithms
- Schedule from now on
- Student Survey
Final Exam
January 24, 09:30-10:55
Any questions?
Leftovers of Last Lecture
Summary of Last Lecture
- There are problems that cannot (yet?) be solved in polynomial time
- Many of these problems are NP-complete (or NP-hard)
- There may be some algorithms that are not in P, but not NP-complete
(an example is graph
- It is important to recognize difficult (NP-complete) problems early
- There are problems that are even more difficult than NP-complete
The Importance of Dealing with NP Problems
- There are many NP-complete and NP-hard problems (and some even more
difficult problems)
- Most such problems have many practical applications
- No efficient algorithms are known
- A practical approach is needed
Strategies for Dealing with NP Problems
- Limit or change problem
- Concentrate on actual data
- Design and use an approximation algorithm
There are some general solutions, but mostly, each problem has to be
addressed separately.
Changing NP Problems
Example: Traveling salesman
- General problem: Arbitrary cost structure
- Simplification: Costs are planar distances on a plane
- Variant: Costs satisfy triangle inequality (AB + BC > AC)
(there is a polynomial algorithm that solves this variant within 1.5 times
of the optimal solution)
Deal with Actual Data
Example: 3-SAT
Problems can be classified into three main categories:
- The number of terms is high relative to the number of
→ It may be easy to show that there is no solution
- The number of terms is low relative to the number of
→ It may be easy to find a solution
- The number of terms is medium relative to the number of
→ This is the really difficult case
With many careful optimizations and tricks, practical usages are
Approximation Algorithms
- Even if finding a perfect solution is impossible, it may still be
desirable to find a close-to-optimal solution
- An algorithm producing an approximate (close to optimal) solution is
called an approximation algorithm
- For many approximation algorithms, there may be a guarantee of how much
from the optimum the solution can differ
- There are problem-specific approximation algorithms
- There are also general approximation algorithms (algorithm design
- Hill climbing
- Simulated annealing
- Genetic algorithms
- ...
- Some of these algorithms are used e.g. in machine
- It may be hard to get even good approximations in polynomial time for
many problems (Unique Games
Problem-specifc Approximation Algorithms
Example problem: Load balancing
Using m identical machines, finish (as quickly as possible) a number
n of tasks that each take time ti
to complete
- Algorithm 1:
- Assign the next task to a machine as soon as the previous task
- The overall time is guaranteed to be ≦ 2 times the optimal solution
- Algorithm 2:
- Assign the tasks in decreasing length to a machine as soon as the
previous task finishes
- The overall time is guaranteed to be ≦ 1.5 times the optimal
solution time
Hill Climbing
- Start with a (maybe highly non-optimal) solution
- Produce solutions close to the current solution,
and select the best one among these
- Repeat until no improvement is possible anymore
- Problem: Easily possible to get stuck in a local optimum
(potentially addressable by a quantum computer)
Simulated Annealing
- Origin of name:
Cristal production by carefully lowering temperature
- Start with an arbitrary solution
- Randomly change the solution to produce new solution candidates
- Always keep new, better solutions
- Keep some of the not so good solutions, too
- Repeat but slowly reduce the amount of random change (corresponds to
reducing the temperature)
- Stop after a certain number of steps or when there is no further
- Use the overall best solution as the output of the algorithm
- Speedup possible in hardware, see Fujitsu's
DAU (Digital Annealer Unit)
- Problems:
- Tuning is necessary for each problem (speed of lowering temperature,
- Not possible to combine partial solutions
Genetic Algorithms
- Using concepts from evolution theory
- Solution details are interpreted as genetic information
- Start with multiple randomly generated "solutions" as the first
- To get from one generation to the next:
- Combine information from two (or more) different solutions to get a
new solution (corresponds to sexual reproduction)
- Move information pieces around inside the new solution (corresponds
to crossover)
- Modify information randomly (corresponds to mutation)
- In each generation, produce a lot of new solutions,
and delete (most of) the less optimal ones (corresponds to natural
- Stop after a certain number of generations or when there is no further
- Use the overall best solution as the output of the algorithm
- Problems:
- How to combine solutions
- Parameters choice (number of generations, number of solutions per
- Time needed
- Evolution seems to favor 'reasonably adapted' over 'extremely well
adapted' individuals/gene pool
Approaches to deal with "intractable problems" that cannot be solved
- Change or limit the problem
- Concentrate on actual data
- Design and use an approximation algorithm
- Find an approximate solution:
- Problem-specific algorithms
- Hill climbing
- Simulated annealing
- Genetic algorithms, ...
Schedule from Now On
- January 24, 09:30-10:55: Term Final Exam
- Spring term of junior year (3rd year): Language Theory and Compilers
- Senior year (4th year): Bachelor Research
Student Survey
(leftover from last lecture)
WEB Survey
(悪い例: 発音が分かりにくい; 良い例:
- approximation algorithm
- 近似アルゴリズム
- planar distance
- 平面距離 (平面上の直線の距離)
- triangle inequality
- 三角不等式
- conjecture
- 推測
- hill climbing
- 山登り法
- simulated annealing
- 焼きなまし法、シミュレーテッドアニーリング
- genetic algorithm
- 遺伝的アルゴリズム
- load balancing
- ロード・バランシング
- machine learning
- 機械学習
- local optimum
- 局所的な最適解
- cristal
- 結晶
- evolution theory
- 進化論
- genetic information
- 遺伝的情報
- generation
- 世代
- sexual reproduction
- 有性生殖
- crossover
- 交叉 (交差、組み替え)
- mutation
- 突然変異
- natural selection
- 自然淘汰 (自然選択)