Algorithm Design Strategies


Data Structures and Algorithms

13th lecture, January 9, 2020

Martin J. Dürst


© 2009-20 Martin J. Dürst 青山学院大学

Today's Schedule


Remaining Schedule


Summary of Last Lecture


Algorithm Design Strategies/Methods


The Knapsack Problem

Depending on the details of the problem, the best algorithm design strategy is different


Variations of the Knapsack Problem

  1. All items are the same; how many items fit in?
  2. Pack as many items as possible
  3. Use as much capacity as possible (integer version)
  4. Maximise value


All Items are the Same

Example: Capacity c = 20kg, weight per item: 3.5kg

'Algorithm': Divide the capacity by the weight per item, round down

Answer for example: 5 items

Design strategy: simplistic 'algorithm'


Simplistic Algorithm


Pack as Many Items as Possible

Example: Capacity c = 20kg, weight of items: 8kg, 2kg, 4kg, 7kg, 2kg, 1kg, 5kg, 12kg

Algorithm: Sort items by increasing weight, pack starting with lightest item

Answer for example: 5 items (e.g. 1kg, 2kg, 2kg, 4kg, 5kg)

Design strategy: Greedy algorithm

Time complexity: O(n log n)


Greedy Algorithm


Use as Much Capacity as Possible (Integer Version)

Example: Capacity c = 20kg, weight of items (ws1,...,wsn): 8kg, 2kg, 4kg, 7kg, 2kg, 1kg, 5kg, 12kg

Algorithm: Consider subproblems with capacity c'c using only the first k items s1,..., sk (kn)

Design strategy: Dynamic programming

Recursive problem description:

max_weight(0, ...) = 0 = max_weight(x, {})

max_weight(c1, {s1,..., sk}) = max(max_weight(c1-wsk, {s1,..., sk-1})+wsk,
                                                         max_weight(c1,      {s1,..., sk-1}))


Example Solution

kc 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 (8kg) 0 ×0 ×0 ×0 ×0 ×0 ×0 ×0 ○8 ○8 ○8 ○8 ○8 ○8 ○8 ○8 ○8 ○8 ○8 ○8 ○8
2 (2kg) 0 ×0 ○2 ○2 ○2 ○2 ○2 ○2 ×8 ×8 ○10 ○10 ○10 ○10 ○10 ○10 ○10 ○10 ○10 ○10 ○10
3 (4kg) 0 ×0 ×2 ×2 ○4 ○4 ○6 ○6 ×8 ×8 ×10 ×10 ○12 ○12 ○14 ○14 ○14 ○14 ○14 ○14 ○14
4 (7kg) 0 ×0 ×2 ×2 ×4 ×4 ×6 ○7 ×8 ○9 ×10 ○11 ×12 ○13 ×14 ○15 ○15 ○17 ○17 ○19 ○19
5 (2kg) 0 ×0 ×2 ×2 ×4 ×4 ×6 ×7 ×8 ×9 ×10 ×11 ×12 ×13 ×14 ×15 ○16 ×17 ×17 ×19 ×19
6 (1kg) 0 ○1 ×2 ○3 ×4 ○5 ×6 ×7 ×8 ×9 ×10 ×11 ×12 ×13 ×14 ×15 ×16 ×17 ○18 ×19 ○20
7 (5kg) 0 ×1 ×2 ×3 ×4 ×5 ×6 ×7 ×8 ×9 ×10 ×11 ×12 ×13 ×14 ×15 ×16 ×17 ×18 ×19 ×20
8 (12kg) 0 ×1 ×2 ×3 ×4 ×5 ×6 ×7 ×8 ×9 ×10 ×11 ×12 ×13 ×14 ×15 ×16 ×17 ×18 ×19 ×20

Table rows: Items to add (or not) to knapsack

Table columns: Total capacity

Table entries: ×: Item in this row is not used; ○: Item in this row is used; number: max weight possible

How to find the solution: See next slide


How to Find the Solution

Answer for example: 1kg, 7kg, 4kg, 8kg (total: 20kg; other solutions possible)

Time complexity: O(cn)


Value Maximization

Example: Capacity c = 20kg, weight and value of items: 8kg, 500¥; 2kg, 2000¥; 4kg, 235¥; 7kg, 700¥; 2kg, 400¥; 1kg, 100¥; 5kg, 450¥; 12kg, 650¥

Algorithm: Try all possible solutions

Design strategy: Brute force

Implementation: Dknapsack.rb (of various algorithms, only brute force finds optimal solution if weights and values can be non-integers)


Brute Force Algorithm


Variations of the Knapsack Problem (Summary)

  1. All items are the same; how many items fit in?
    Solution: Divide capacity by item weight
    Design strategy: Simplistic 'algorithm'
  2. Pack as many items as possible
    Solution: Start with lightest items
    Design strategy: Greedy algorithm
  3. Use as much capacity as possible (integer version)
    Solution: Consider subproblems with capacity c'c and items s1,..., sk (kn)
    Design Strategy: Dynamic programming
  4. Maximize value
    Design Strategy: Brute force


Algorithm Design Strategies


Goal for Remaining Time

Example Problem 1: 3-SAT


Example Problem 2: Independent Set


Example Problem 3: Traveling Salesman



(no need to submit)



approximation algorithms
brute force
greedy algorithm
knapsack problem
closed formula
number sequence
minimum spanning tree (problem)
最小全域気 (問題)
independent set
traveling salesman