Propositions and Boolean Formulæ
Discrete Mathematics I
3rd lecture, October 4, 2019
Martin J. Dürst
© 2005-19 Martin
J. Dürst Aoyama Gakuin
Today's Schedule
- Summary of last lecture
- Last week's homework
- Propositions
- Construction and use of logical (Boolean) formulæ
- This week's homework
Summary of Last Lecture
- The history of numbers starts with the integers 1, 2, 3,...
- Across different cultures, the numerals for 1, 2, 3,... and 10, 20,...
look similar
- Peano created a set of 5 axioms using "1" and "successor" only
- These axioms form a base for arithmetic on natural numbers
- The numeral 0 was discovered very late.
It is important in positional number representation.
- Positional number representation can use various bases
- In Information Technology, the bases 2, (8,) 10, and 16 are used
Last Week's Homework: Jokes
Question: Why do computer scientist always think Christmas and Halloween are
the same?
[Sorry, removed!]
Question: At what age do Information Technologists celebrate "Kanreki"
64 = 26 ("Kanreki" is a round number in the
East Asian calendar. For Information Technology, powers of 2 are round
Last Week's Homework: Arithmetic and Base Conversion
About Moodle
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those who have their name in Romaji instead of Kanji, must come to the front
immediately after this lecture
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next slide.
- A proposition is a sentence that is objectively either
correct or wrong .
- Propositions may also be called statements.
- Even if a sentence is not correct, it is a proposition.
- Even if we do not know the answer (but there is a single answer), it is a
- Examples:
- 2 times 2 is 4.
- 10 is smaller than 5.
- Four is an odd number.
- On January 1, 2020, it will rain in Fuchinobe.
Counterexamples of Propositions
The following are NOT propositions:
- Subjective sentences (opinions,...)
- Questions
- Sentences that include undefined variables or pronouns
Counterexamples (NOT propositions):
- Her birthday is tomorrow (October 4, 2019).
Reason: 'Her' is undefined.
- x is even.
Reason: Undefined variable.
- Did I eat breakfast this morning?
Reason: Question
- Natto (納豆) is delicious.
Reason: Subjective opinion.
Truth Values of a Proposition
- Each proposition is either correct or wrong.
- "Correct" is called true (真), and is written T, ⊤, or 1.
- "Wrong" (not correct) is called false (偽), and is written F,
⊥, or 0.
- True and false together are called truth values .
- Other representations for truth values: ○/×, on/off, ...
- Truth values are also called Boolean values or just
Booleans (after Georges Boole)
Truth Values in Program Languages
Different programming languages handle truth values differently.
Some examples:
- C programming language:
represents false.
- All integers ≠
can represent true.
- The type
is used for booleans.
- The C99 standard introduced
, true
, and
- Unix shell:
represents true.
- All integers ≠
can represent false.
- This is exactly the opposite of C.
- Java programming language:
- false and true are represented as
and true
- Integers (
) and boolean values (boolean
are different types.
- Ruby programming language:
- false and true are represented as
and true
and nil
(empty/nothing) are
interpreted as false. All other objects are interpreted as
Logical Operations
With logical operations, we can create compound propositions from simpler
The most frequently used, and most basic, logical operations are:
- and: A ∧ B (conjunction)
- or: A ∨ B (disjunction)
- not: ¬A (negation)
Overview of Conjunction (and)
Based on two propositions A and B, we can construct
the following proposition:
A and B
We write A ∧ B (also: A·B,
A B, AND(A, B))
Because ∧ has two operands, it is a binary operation.
A ∧ B is defined as follows:
If both A and B are true, then A ∧ B is true.
Else, A ∧ B is false.
Truth Table for Logical And
A |
B |
A ∧ B |
F |
F |
F |
F |
T |
F |
T |
F |
F |
T |
T |
T |
Because there are only two truth values, we can define logical operations
using a table. This is similar to the 9×9 multiplication table,
but would not work for operations on integers (e.g. multiplication) in
Examples for Logical And
7 is smaller than 5 ∧ 7 is even (read: 7 is smaller than 5 and is even):
8 is smaller than 5 ∧ 8 is even (read: 8 is smaller than 5 and is even):
4 is smaller than 5 ∧ 4 is even (read: 4 is smaller than 5 and is even):
3 is smaller than 5 ∧ 3 is even (read: 3 is smaller than 5 and is even):
Overview of Disjunction (or)
Based on two propositions A and B, we can construct
the following proposition:
A or B
A or B is written A ∨ B (also:
A+B, OR(A, B))
A ∨ B is defined as follows:
If both A and B are false, then A ∨ B is false.
Else, A ∨ B is true.
This means that logical or is inclusive. Logical or is a binary
Truth Table for Logical Or
A |
B |
A ∨ B |
F |
F |
F |
F |
T |
T |
T |
F |
T |
T |
T |
T |
Examples for Logical Or
4 is smaller than 5 ∨ 4 is even: T
8 is smaller than 5 ∨ 8 is even: T
7 is smaller than 5 ∨ 7 is even: F
3 is smaller than 5 ∨ 3 is even: T
Overview of Negation (not)
Based on one proposition A, we can construct the following
not A
not A is written ¬A (also A', A, ~A,
¬A is true if A is false
¬A is false if A is true.
Negation has only one operand and is therefore a unary
Truth Table for Logical Not
Examples for Logical Not
¬ (4 is even) (read: 4 is not even): F
¬ (4 is odd) (read: 4 is not odd): T
The Importance of Logical Operations
In Information Technology:
- Create models of the real world
- Model logical operations in programming languages
- Model electronic circuits
In Mathematics:
- Model mathematical statements and their relationships
- Verify proofs
- Automate mathematical reasoning
- Express facts of the real world as propositions
- Express relationships between facts as relationships between
- Set up and work out logical formulæ using the propositions
- Apply the results to the real world
Examples: Conditions for getting a discount; conditions for a passing grade
in a course; conditions for completing (winning) a game,...
Modeling Example
Condition for getting a discount: You get a discount if you are a student of
Aoyama Gakuin University and today is a Friday or a Saturday.
Ao: You are a student of Aoyama Gakuin University.
Fr: Today (October 4, 2019) is a Friday.
Sa: Today (October 4, 2019) is a Saturday.
The truth values for these propositions are: Ao=T,
Fr=T, Sa=F
The condition for a discount can be expressed as:
Ao ∧ (Fr∨Sa)
The condition evaluates to T, so you get a discount!
Structure of Logical Formulæ
We can creat a logical formula from propositions, propositional variables,
and logical operators.
Example: (A ∨ (¬B)) ∧ C
Operator precedence and omission of parentheses:
- Each operator has a given precedence.
- Operations with higher precedence get evaluated first.
- If the order of evaluation is not correct, we use parentheses to fix
Precedence for logical operators:
A∨B∧C = A ∨
(B∧C) ≠ (A∨B) ∧
(A ∨ (¬B)) ∧ C = (A ∨
¬B) ∧ C ≠ A ∨ ¬B ∧
Well-Formed Formula
Goal: Make the structure (grammar) of logical formulæ clear.
All of the following are well-formed formulæ
- Propositions
- Propositional variables
- If W and V are well-formed formulæ, then the
following are also well-formed formulæ:
- (W)
- ¬W
- W ∧ V
- W ∨ V
Formulæ that do not fit the above definition are not well-formed
(Attention: In a later lecture, we will introduce more logical operators. This
will extend the definition.)
(A ∨ ¬B) ∧ C (well-formed)
(A ∨(B ¬∧) C (not
Formulæ as Trees
- Formulæ can be drawn as trees
- Trees have a root (at the top), internal nodes, and leaf
- The internal nodes are operators
- The leaves are operands
- The tree shows a formula's structure
- Evaluation order is expressed in the tree's structure (bottom to top)
→ parentheses are unnecessary
Example of Formula as a Tree
Example formula: A ∨ ¬B ∧ C
Logical Formula Evaluation with a Truth Table
Truth tables are often used to:
- Define logical operations
- Evaluate logical formulæ
- Prove properties of logical operations and formulæ [see
lecture 5]
Example formula: (A ∨ ¬B) ∧ B
Evaluation using a truth table
A |
B |
¬B |
A ∨ ¬B |
(A ∨ ¬B) ∧ B |
F |
F |
T |
T |
F |
F |
T |
F |
F |
F |
T |
F |
T |
T |
F |
T |
T |
F |
T |
T |
From this truth table, we can deduce that (A ∨ ¬B)
∧ B = A ∧ B
How to Write a Truth Table
- Columns:
- A column for each variable that appears in the formula
- A column for each subexpression in the formula
(starting with the the simplest subexpression)
- A column for the overall formula
- Rows:
- One row for the headers
- 2n rows for entries, where n is the
number of variables
- Variable columns:
- Start with FF... in the first row
- End with TT... in the last row
- When converting F to 0 and T to 1, the variable columns should show
the binary numbers from 0 to 2n-1.
- Subexpression columns and final column: Calculating each value from
earlier columns.
- Example: Write a truth table for D ∧ ¬F ∨
Boolean Functions
- A boolean function calculates a truth value from zero or more Boolean
- The domain of a boolean function are zero or more truth
- The range of a boolean function is a single truth value.
- Because Boolean arguments only take the values true and
false, the number of Boolean functions is quite limited.
Number of Boolean Functions for n Variables
- Number of rows of a truth table with n variables: 2n
- Each row can have either T or F as a result
- Number of Boolean functions with n variables: 2(2n)
- Examples:
Number of variables (n) |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Number of rows |
1 |
2 |
4 |
8 |
16 |
32 |
Number of Boolean functions |
2 |
4 |
16 |
256 |
65536 |
4294967296 |
Question: Can we find a logic formula for any such function? (Answer: see next lecture)
Simple Laws for Arithmetic Operations
(for integers or reals,...)
- Commutative laws:
Addition and multiplication are commutative:
a+b = b+a,
ab = ba
- Associative laws:
Addition and multiplication are associative:
(a+b) + c = a + (b+c),
(ab) · c = a ·
- Distributive law:
Multiplication distributes over addition:
a · (b+c) =
ab + ac
Addition does not distribute over multiplication:
a + bc ≠ (a+b) ·
Simple Laws for Logical Operations
- Commutative laws:
Both conjunction and disjunction are commutative:
A∧B = B∧ A,
A∨B = B∨A
- Associative laws:
Both conjunction and disjunction are associative:
(A∧B) ∧ C = A ∧ (B∧C),
(A∨B) ∨ C = A ∨
- Distributive laws:
Conjunction distributes over disjunction:
A ∧ (B∨C) =
A∧B ∨ A∧C
Disjunction distributes over conjunction:
A ∨ B∧C =
(A∨B) ∧ (A∨C)
This Week's Homework
Repeat each quiz until you get 100% correct answers; deadline:
October 10 (Thursday) 22:00:
- Solve the quiz Propositions:
True or False
- Solve the quiz Truth Table
- Solve the quiz Truth Table
- Use highschool texts or the Web to research about other laws for logical
下記のクイズは満点まで繰り返す; 締切: 10月10日
(木) 22:00:
- Moodle で Propositions:
True or False のクイズを解く
- Moodle で Truth Table
1 のクイズを解く
- Moodle で Truth Table
2 のクイズを解く
- 論理演算の (交換律、結合律、分配率以外の)
- round number
- 切りのいい数
- proposition
- 命題
- objective (adj.)
- 客観的
- subjective (adj.)
- 主観的
- opinion
- 意見
- variable
- 変数
- pronoun
- 代名詞
- odd number
- 奇数
- even number
- 偶数
- truth value (of a proposition)
- (命題の) 真偽
- true
- 真 (しん)
- false
- 偽 (ぎ)
- type (in programming languages)
- (プログラム言語の) 型
- logical operation
- 論理演算
- electronic circuits
- 電子回路
- reasoning
- 推理、推論
- modeling
- モデル化 (する)
- (logical) and
- かつ
- binary operation
- 二項演算
- unary operation
- 単項演算
- conjunction
- 論理積
- truth table
- 真理表 (又は真理値表)
- logical operation
- 論理演算
- compound proposition
- 複合命題
- (logical) or
- 又は
- disjunction
- 論理和
- (logical) not
- ではない
- negation
- 論理否定
- logical formula
- 論理式 (複数: formulæ or formulas)
- well-formed (logical) formula
- 整論理式
- grammar
- 文法
- tree
- 木
- root
- (木の) 根
- internal node
- 内部節
- leaf
- 葉
- propositional variable
- 命題変数
- (operator) precedence
- (演算子の) 優先順位
- evaluation
- (式の) 評価
- parentheses
- 括弧
- subexpression
- 部分式
- Boolean function
- 論理関数、ブール関数
- Boolean argument
- 論理引数 (ひきすう; ブール引数とも言う)
- domain (of a function)
- (関数の) 定義域
- range (of a function)
- (関数の) 値域
- commutative law
- 交換律
- distributive law
- 分配律
- distribute
- 分配する