Dynamic Programming
Data Structures and Algorithms
12th lecture, December 15, 2022
Martin J. Dürst

© 2009-22 Martin
J. Dürst 青山学院大学
Today's Schedule
- Leftovers and summary of last lecture
- Algorithm design strategies
- Overview of dynamic programming
- Example application: Order of evaluation of chain matrix
- Dynamic programming in Ruby
Remaining Schedule
- December 15 (today): 12th lecture (Dynamic Programming)
- December 22: 13th lecture (Algorithm Design Strategies)
- January 12: 14th lecture (NP-completenes, reducibility)
- January 19: 15th lecture (approximation algorithms)
- January 26, 09:30-10:55 (85 min): Term Final Exam
Leftovers of Last Lecture
(Boyer-Moore algorithm, string matching context,...)
Summary of Last Lecture
- A simplistic implementation of string matching is
O(nm) in the worst case
- The Rabin-Karp algorithm is O(n), using a hash
function that can be extended to 2D matching
- The Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm is O(n), and views
the text strictly in input order after a precomputation step
- The Boyer-Moore algorithm is O(n/m) in
most cases
Algorithm Design Strategies
- Simple/simplistic algorithms
- Divide and conquer
- Dynamic programming
Overview of Dynamic Programming
- Investigate and clarify structure of (optimal) solution
- Recursively define (optimal) solution
- Calculate (optimal) solutions bottom-up
- Construct (optimal) solution from calculation results
- Proposed by Richard Bellman in the 1950ies
- Name now sounds arbitrary, but is firmly established
Simple Example of Dynamic Programming
Matrix Multiplication
- Multiplying a matrix 0M1
(r0 by r1) and a matrix
1M2 (r1 by
r2) results in a r0 by
r2 matrix 0M2
1M2 ⇒
- This multiplication needs
scalar multiplications and
scalar additions,
so its time complexity is O(r0r1r2)
- Actual example: r0=100, r1=2,
⇒ Number of multiplications: 100×2×200 =
- Because the number of scalar multiplications and additions is the same,
we will only consider multiplications
Matrix Multiplication Program Skeleton
for (i=0; i<r0; i++)
for (j=0; j<r2; j++) {
sum = 0;
for (k=0; k<r1; k++)
sum += 0M1[i][k] * 1M2[k][j];
0M2[i][j] = sum;
Chain Multiplication of Scalars
- A series of multiplications (e.g. 163·4·25) is called chain
- Multiplication of scalars is associative (i.e. (163·4)·25 =
- Not all multiplication orders have the same speed.
For humans, 163·(4·25) = 163·100 = 16300 is faster than (163·4)·25 = 652·25
- Conclusion: Choosing a good order of multiplication can speed up
Chain Multiplication of Matrices
Number of Matrix Multiplications Orders
Multiplications |
Orders |
0 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
2 |
3 |
5 |
4 |
14 |
5 |
42 |
6 |
132 |
7 |
429 |
8 |
1430 |
9 |
4862 |
- The number of orders for multiplying n matrices is small for
small n, but grows exponentially
- The number of orders is equal to the numbers in the middle of Pascal's
triangle (1, 2, 6, 20, 70,...)
divided by increasing natural numbers (1, 2, 3, 4, 5,...)
- These numbers are called Catalan numbers:
Cn = (2n)! /
(n!(n+1)!) =
- Catalan numbers have many applications:
- Combinations of n pairs of properly nested parentheses
(n=3: ()()(), (())(), ()(()), ((())), (()()))
- Number of shapes of binary trees of size n
- Number of triangulations of a (convex) polygon with n
Optimal Order of Multiplications
- Checking all orders is very slow
= Ω(4n/n1/2))
- Minimal evaluation cost (number of scalar multiplications):
- mincost(a, c): minimal cost for evaluating
- if a+1 ≧ c, mincost(a,
c) = 0
- if a+1 < c, mincost(a,
c) =
cost(a, b, c)
- split(a, c): optimal spliting point
- split(a, c) = arg
minb cost(a, b,
- cost(a, b, c): cost for calculating
- i.e. cost for splitting the evaluation of
aMc at
- cost(a, b, c) =
mincost(a, b)+mincost(b,
c) +
- Simple implementation in Ruby:
in Cmatrix.rb
Inverting Optimization Order and Storing Intermediate Results
- The solution can be evaluated from split(0, n)
top-down using recursion
- The problem with top-down evaluation is that intermediate results
(mincost(x, y)) are calculated repeatedly
- Bottom-up calculation:
- Calculate the minimal costs and optimal splitting points for chains
of length k, starting with k=2 and increasing to
- Store intermediate results for reuse
- Implementation in Ruby:
in Cmatrix.rb
Example Calculation
0M2M5: 450
0M3M5: 470
0M4M5: 320 |
0M2M4: 468
0M3M4: 400 |
1M3M5: 330
250 |
0M2M3: 288 |
220 |
2M4M5: 390 |
48 |
120 |
300 |
150 |
0M1: 0 |
1M2: 0 |
2M3: 0 |
3M4: 0 |
4M5: 0 |
r0 = 4 |
r1 = 2 |
r2 = 6 |
r3 = 10 |
r4 = 5 |
r5 = 3 |
Overall solution (optimal order of multiplications):
Complexity of Optimizing Evaluation Order
- The calculation of mincost(a, c) is O(c-a)
- Evaluating all mincost(a, a+k) is O((n-k)·k)
- Evaluation cost has the shape of a tetrahedron,
with one edge left-right at the bottom,
and another edge front-back at the top
- Total time complexity:
O((n-k)·k) = O(n3)
The time complexity of dynamic programming depends on the structure of the
O(n2), O(n),
O(nm),... are frequent time complexities
(for this problem, there is a different, more difficult algorithm
with O(n log n))
Overview of Dynamic Programming
- Investigate and clarify structure of (optimal) solution
- Recursively define (optimal) solution (e.g.
- Calculate (optimal) solutions bottom-up (e.g.
- Construct (optimal) solution from calculation results
Conditions for Using Dynamic Programming
- Optimal substructure:
The global (optimal) solution can be constructed from the (optimal)
solutions of subproblems
(common with divide and conquer)
- Overlapping subproblems
(different from divide and conquer)
- The key in dynamic programming is to reuse intermediate results
- Many functions can be changed so that they remember results
- This is called memoization:
- Add a data structure that stores results
(a dictionary with arguments as key and result as value)
- Check the dictionary
- If the result is stored, return it immediately
- If the result is not stored, calculate it, store it, and return
- Only possible for pure functions (functions with no side effects)
Memoization in Ruby
- Use metaprogramming to modify a function so that:
- On first calculation, result is stored (e.g. in a
using function arguments as the key)
- Before each calculation, storage is checked, and stored result used
if available
- Metaprogramming changes the program while it runs
- Simple application example: Cfibonacci.rb
(caution: for very big numbers, calculation times are also affected by the
size of the numbers themselves)
- Dynamic programming is an algorithm design strategy
- Dynamic programming is suited for problems where the overall (optimal)
solution can be obtained from solutions for subproblems, but the
subproblems overlap
- The time complexity of dynamic programming depends on the structure of
the actual problem
- Review this lecture (including the 'Example Calculation' and the
- Find three problems that can be solved using dynamic programming, and
investigate the algorithms used
- Prepare for final exam
- dynamic programming
- 動的計画法
- algorithm design strategies
- アルゴリズムの設計方針
- optimal solution
- 最適解
- scalar
- スカラー
- Catalan number
- カタラン数
- matrix chain multiplication
- 連鎖行列積、行列の連鎖乗算
- triangulations
- (多角形の) 三角分割
- (convex) polygon
- (凸) 多角形
- intermediate result
- 途中結果
- splitting point
- 分割点
- arg min (argument of the minimum)
- 最小値点
- top-down
- 下向き、トップダウン
- bottom-up
- 上向き、ボトムアップ
- (regular) tetrahedron
- (正)四面体
- optimal substructure
- 部分構造の最適性
- overlapping subproblems
- 部分問題の重複
- memoization (verb: memoize)
- 履歴管理
- pure function
- 純粋関数
- metaprogramming
- メタプログラミング