Data Structures and Algorithms
14th lecture, January 12, 2023
Martin J. Dürst

© 2009-23 Martin
J. Dürst 青山学院大学
Today's Schedule
- Remaining Schedule
- Leftovers and summary of last lecture
- NP problems
- Reduction
- NP-completeness
- Student survey
Remaining Schedule
- January 12: this lecture
- January 19: 15th lecture, Approximation Algorithms
- January 26, 09:30-10:55 (85 min): Term Final Exam
Questions about Final Exam
Summary of Last Lecture
- Commonalities for many algorithms
⇒ Algorithm design strategies
- Use design strategies to generate ideas for new algorithms
- Main design strategies:
- Simple/simplistic algorithms
- Brute force
- Greedy algorithms
- Divide and conquer
- Dynamic programming
- The appropriate strategy depends on the structure of the problem and its
- Depending on details of the problem, the best design strategy can
(Example: knapsack problem)
Today's Goal
- Be able to distinguish between 'simple' and 'difficult' problems
- Expand your view, look at the algorithm universe
Example Problems from Last Lecture
- Example problem 1: 3-SAT
- Example problem 2: Idependent Set
- Example problem 3: Traveling Salesman
Homework: Find Commonalities in Problems
- Wide applicability in practice
- No known algorithm that is significantly faster than brute force
- Brute force takes exponential time
- If n increases (example: n=100), it may become
impossible to solve the problem
- Currently, there is no proof that there is no faster algorithm
- There are many problems with the same properties
Problem Shape
- Function problems
- There is only one answer
- Correctness (or not) is easy to check
- Examples: Sorting, matrix multiplication, Fibonacci function,...
- Optimization problems
- Find the greatest, fastest, shortest,..., or
as big as possible, as short as possible,...
- Optimality may not be easy to check
- Decision problems
Decision Problem
- Problem where the result can only be true or false
(function problem that returns a boolean variable)
- It is possible to convert other problems to decision problems
Optimization problems: Find the largest solution → Is there a solution
larger than k?
- A decision problem cannot be more difficult than the original problem
(but it may be easier in some cases)
- For theory, decision problems are easier to handle
Polynomial Problems and Exponential Problems
- Polynomial problems
(Ω(nc)) are called
Examples: Ω(n2),
- Exponential problems
(Ω(cn)) are called
Examples: Ω(1.1n),
- It is very important to recognize exponential problems early
(the time complexity of a problem is the lowest time complexity
among the algorithms that solve the problem, or the lowest theoretical
time complexity)
Properties of Polynomial Time
(or why is polynomial time so special)
- Problems with large exponents (e.g.
Ω(n5)) are very rare
- Addition and multiplication of polynomials results in polynomials (ring
of polynomials)
- Polynomial time is not significantly influenced by choice of machine
Example: Parallel processing with m computers will at best lead
to a speedup by a factor of m
- It is difficult to find a criterion (e.g.
>Ω(n2.731)??) to subdivide
polynomial problems
The set of problems that can be solved in polynomial time is denoted as
Definition of NP Problems
- The variants of problems 1-3 from last lecture are all NP problems
- Defining properties of NP problems:
- If the answer is true, and there is some evidence, then this
can be verified quickly (i.e. in polynomial time)
(however, if the answer is false, verification may take
(evidence: a solution to 3-SAT, a short path in the Traveling Salesman
- If we can use as many computers as we want, we can find the answer in
polynomial time
- Why "NP"?: Nondeterministic Polynomial
- By definition, NP problems are decision problems
- Problems that are at least NP are called NP-hard
- May not be decision problems
- May be more difficult than NP
P vs. NP
- The set of NP problems is denoted as NP
- The set of problems solvable in polynomial time is denoted as
- Problems in P may become NP with only minor
Example: Shortest path (P) and longest path (NP)
between two vertices in a graph
- There are many NP problems
- P ⊆ NP (by definition)
- P = NP ? P ≠ NP ?
This is the most famous and most important unsolved problem in Computer
Clay Mathematics Institute Millenium Problems
Comparing Problems in NP
- Need to get order into NP problems
- Use comparison of problems
- Use reduction to compare problems
An Example of Reduction
Solving a 3-SAT problem by converting (reducing) it to an independent set
- Create a triangle (graph) for each term of the 3-SAT formula
- Label each vertext of a triangle with a variable (or its negation) from
the term
- Add edges to the graph connecting vertices with the same variable, but
opposite negation state
- Solve the independent set problem for the graph
- Use the variables of the selected vertices (with their negation state) as
the solution of the 3-SAT problem
- Example (' indicates negation):
Overview of Reduction
- Idea: Solve a problem A by converting it to a different problem B
(prove that the problem can be solved)
- Input for A ⇒ [conversion] ⇒ input for B ⇒ algorithm for B ⇒
output for B ⇒ [back-conversion] ⇒ output for A
- Conversion in both directions has to be possible in polynomial time
- If A can be reduced (is reducible) to B (in polynomial time), we write A
≤P B
- This mean that (within polynomial conversion), A is simpler (or of the
same difficulty as) B
- An NP problem to which all other NP problems can be
reduced is called NP-complete
- This means that an NP-complete problem is more difficult (or of the same
difficulty) as any other NP problem
- Almost all NP problems for which there is no known polynomial
algorithm can be shown to be NP-complete
- If P ≠ NP, then there are also some problems that
are not in P, but also not NP-complete
(but not many such problems are known; main examples are graph
isomorphism and prime factoring)
Computational Complexity Theory
- Goal: Classification of computational problems
- Criteria for classification:
- Time complexity
- Memory complexity (e.g. class PSPACE)
- Shape and size of circuit (or hardware in general)
- Parallelization
- Randomness
- Oracles
- Quantum computing
Reference: Complexity
Post's Correspondence Problem
(Emil Post, 1946)
- Given: A language using two or more characters, and two sequences of
words of equal length: W = [w1,
w2, ... wn],
V = [v1, v2, ...
- Problem: Is it possible to choose a (non-empty) sequence of corresponding
words from W and V to form the same sentence?
(words may be repeated; spaces between words are ignored)
- The problem can be visualized as a card game
- Example: W = [AA, B], V = [A, ABA]
Solution: AA-B-AA = A-ABA-A (1-2-1)
- Example without solution: W = [CCD, CD, C], V =
[CC, DDC, D]
(reason: independent of word choice, the last character of the overall
string will always be different)
- The above two examples are easy to solve
- It can be proven that there exists no general algorithm for this
- There are many problems that we (currently) cannot solve in polynomial
- Many of these problems are NP-complete (or NP-hard)
- It is important to discover such problems early
- There are also problems that are even more difficult to solve than
NP-complete problems
Student Survey
WEB Survey
(悪い例: 発音が分かりにくい; 良い例:
- polynomial problem
- 多項式問題
- tractable problem
- 手に負える問題
- exponential problem
- 指数的問題
- intractable problem
- 手に負えない問題
- ring of polynomials
- 多項式環
- nondeterministic polynomial time
- 非決定性多項式時間
- function problem
- 関数問題
- optimization problem
- 最適化問題
- decision problem
- 決定問題
- NP-hard
- NP 困難
- reduction
- 帰着
- reducibility
- 帰着可能性
- NP-completeness
- NP 完全性
- graph isomorphism
- グラフ同型
- Computational Complexity Theory
- 計算複雑性理論
- Quantum computing
- 量子計算
- Post's correspondence problem
- ポストの対応問題
- approximation algorithms
- 近似アルゴリズム