The Importance of Mathematics
for Information Technology
Discrete Mathematics I
1st lecture, September 16/on demand, 2022
Martin J. Dürst
マーティン ヤコブ)
Building O, Room 529

© 2005-22 Martin
J. Dürst 青山学院大学
Today's Schedule
- Self-introduction
- About this course
- The relationship between Mathematics and Information Technology
- The importance of English
- Example: Proof of an algorithm
- This week's homework
Covid Precautions
- Every morning, measure your body temperature
- If you have increased temperature (above 37.5°) or feel ill, follow the
instructions from the University
- Observe social distance
- Always wear a mask (correctly!)
- Regularly wash/disinfect your hands thoroughly
- Eat/drink quietly, alone
- If you are not vaccinated/boosted yet, get vaccinated/boosted as soon as
About Moodle
We will use the Moodle instance of
the Software Lab in this course.
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course registration are necessary for successful course completion.
Needed for Moodle course enrollment:
- Information Technology freshmen: Set your own password
- Other Information Technology students: Enroll in course
- Students from other departments:
- Create Moodle account
- Enroll in course
About Communication by E-mail
To communicate with me, use e-mail (NOT Moodle chat,
NOT CoursePower, ...). Always include:
- Your name (already in header if using Aoyama mail)
- Your student number (already in header if using Aoyama mail)
- The relevant course
- Your actual request (verbal description, avoid screenshots)
- Any past communications (use reply function in mail software)
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Send mail from your Aoyama Mail account, and check your Aoyama Mail account
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[連絡は電子メール (又は Q&A
Forum) のみ;
- 情報テクノロジー学科:
数学・共通科目、必修 (◉)
- 機械創造工学科:
第一科目群、選択必修 (△)
- 経営システム工学科:
第二科目群、選択必修 (▼)
- 情報テクノロジーの初めての本格的な授業
- 理工学国際プログラム E科目 (英語講義):
授業全体 (一回目の一部を抜く) が英語で実施
Method of Evaluation
- Quizes and homework: ~25%
- Minitests: ~25%
- Final exam: ~50%
Comprehensive evaluation
Questions for quizes/homework may be in English only, but for minitests and
final exams, they will be in Japanese or bilingual. Except where explicitly
specified otherwise, answers can always be in Japanese.
- 青山学院の歴史
- 国際競争力
- 米国の会社や研究者は情報テクノロジーを長年にリード
- 英語は情報テクノロジーの共通語
- 最新情報は英語以外で入手不可能
The Importance of English
Example: Ruby Kaigi (one of my talks in
- Ruby is a programming language
created in Japan and used world-wide
- Ruby Kaigi is a yearly conference in Japan
- Attendees are at least 2/3 Japanese
- Presentations are half in Japanese, half in English
- Simultaneous translation Japanese → English available
- Program only in English
- NO simultaneous translation English → Japanese
- Each lecture handout comes with a glossary at the end
- The glossary contains:
- Technical terms for this lecture (e.g. binary (number
representation)/二進法) ⇐ part of examination
- Technical terms for computer science (e.g.
- Technical terms from other fields (e.g. topology/位相幾何学)
- General terms/expressions (e.g. technical term/専門用語)
- Please report missing terms
Schedule of Discrete Mathematics I
Book list
- 「物理数学」や「生物数学」は存在しない
- 「情報数学」も同様
- 情報テクノロジーの様々な分野において様々な数学の分野が基礎
- 情報数学の内容:
- 情報テクノロジー全般で特に基礎となるもの
- 一般の数学の授業であまり教えられていないもの
Examples of Relationship between
Mathematics and Information Technology
Field of Mathematics |
Field of Information Technology |
probability theory |
information transmission, natural language processing, machine
learning |
Fourier analysis |
image processing, sound processing |
linear algebra, geometry, topology |
computer graphics, robotics |
(formal) language theory, type theory |
programming languages, compilers |
number theory |
cryptography |
Discrete Mathematics I and II
- Discrete Mathematics I:
- Representations of numbers, modular arithmetic
- Logic: Boolean formulæ, Boolean functions, propositional logic,
predicate logic
- Sets, relations, algebraic structures, etc.
- Proof methods
- Discrete Mathematics II (Prof. Ohara, Fall 2023):
- Information theory
- Graph theory
- 数学は道具 (tool)
- 数学は言語 (language)
- 数学は考え方 (way of thinking)
- 自然言語 (日本語、英語、ドイツ語など)
- 言葉もあるが、記号が多い
- 他の言語に比べて、正確で簡潔
- 使う記号に一部方言が存在
- 他に情報テクノロジーに大事な言語?
Homework: Languages Necessary for Information Technology
Complete the quiz at
Deadline: Tuesday, Sept. 27, 22:00 (strict)
Caution: One attempt, 5 minutes
- 英語と専門・趣味の連結
- ウェブ上に山ほどの材料
- 飛び込んで、足が付けない場所で泳ぐ
- 目・耳・口・手・体で勉強
- 英語で考える
- 完璧になる必要がない
- 慣れるのは大変; 慣れた後は楽しい
How to Study English
- Use English for your studies and your hobbies
- On the Web, there are many materials (texts, audio, video)
- Learn to swim where your feet can't reach the ground
- Use eyes, ears, mouth, hands, and your whole body
- Think in English
- No need to be perfect
- Starting is tough, but it gets easier and more fun as you progress
Simple Arithmetic in English
Addition: Two plus two is four.
Subtraction: Twelve minus five equals seven.
Multiplication: Fifteen times two is thirty.
Division: Two hundred divided by five is forty.
Homework: Simple Arithmetic in English
Complete the quiz at
Deadline: Tuesday, Sept. 27, 22:00 (strict)
Repeat until you get 100% correct answers
Example: Proof of an Algorithm
- Algorithm: Recipe of how to solve a problem, often expressed as a
- Our problem: Calculate the Greatest Common Denominator (GCD)
- Definition of GCD:
g = gcd(a, b) if and only if
a=cg and
b=dg (g is a factor
(denominator) of a and b)
and there is no h>g so that
a=c'h and
where a, b, c, d,
c', d', g and h are all
where ℕ = {1, 2, 3, ...}
- Example: The GCD of 35 and 63 is 7.
(a=35, b=63, g=7, c=5,
The Euclidean Algorithm for the GCD
To calculate the GCD of a and b, assuming that
- Case 1: If a=b then gcd(a,
b) = a (and we are done)
- Case 2: If a>b then gcd(a,
b) = gcd(a-b, b)
- Case 3: If a<b then gcd(a,
b) = gcd(a, b-a)
Example: gcd(35, 63) = gcd(35, 28) = gcd(7,
28) = gcd(7, 21) = gcd(7, 14) = gcd(7, 7) = 7
What we have to prove:
- The algorithm finishes (terminates)
- The algorithm is correct
Proof of Termination
Prove that the algorithm terminates:
Case 1:
We are done, so okay.
Case 2/3 (symmetric):
The sum a+b gets smaller in both cases, but both
a and b are >0.
The sum will get smaller by at least 1, so we need at most
invocations of the algorithm to terminate.
Proof of Correctness
Case 1: g = gcd(a, b) =
a = b so c=d=1,
and so there is no h>g with
a=c'h and
Case 2 (and symmetric for case 3): g =
gcd(a, b) =
gcd(a-b, b)
Assuming that the result for gcd(a-b,
b) is correct,
and b=dg and therefore
so g is a factor of a-b, b, and
If there is a larger factor h>g for a and
then this would also be a larger factor for a-b,
but g is the largest factor for a-b and
and so it must also be the largest factor for a.
Math used in Proof
- Arithmetic
- Logic
- Set theory
- Proof methods
Algorithm as a Program (C Function)
int gcd (int a, int b)
if (a==b)
return a;
else if (a>b)
return gcd(a-b, b);
else if (a<b)
return gcd(a, b-a);
Algorithm as a Program (Ruby Method)
def gcd (a, b)
if a==b then a
elsif a>b then gcd(a-b, b)
elsif a<b then gcd(a, b-a)
This Week's Homework (Summary)
- Make sure you are officially registered for the course and enrolled in Discrete
Mathematics I
- Review decimal number representation, binary number representation, and
n-ary number representation based on high-school notes and Web
- Solve the Quiz Languages
Necessary for Information Technology (one attempt, maximum 5 minutes;
deadline: September 27, 22:00 (no extensions))
- Solve the Quiz Simple
Arithmetic in English (repeat until you get it 100% correct;
deadline: September 27, 22:00 (no extensions))
- Check out/buy/borrow a textbook or reference book
- technical term
- 専門用語
- probability theory
- 確率論
- information transmission
- 情報通信
- natural language processing
- 自然言語処理
- fourier analysis
- フーリエ解析
- image processing
- 画像処理
- sound processing
- 音声処理
- representations of numbers
- 数の表現
- modular arithmetic
- 合同算術
- logic
- 論理
- Boolean formulæ
- 論理式
- Boolean function
- 論理関数
- propositional logic
- 命題論理
- predicate logic
- 述語論理
- set
- 集合
- relation
- 関係
- proof methods
- 証明の仕方、証明方法
- information theory
- 情報理論
- linear algebra
- 線形代数
- geometry
- 幾何学
- topology
- 位相幾何学
- computer graphics
- コンピュータグラフィクス
- robotics
- ロボット工学
- (formal) language theory
- (形式) 言語理論
- programming language
- プログラム言語
- compiler
- コンパイラ
- number theory
- 整数論
- cryptography
- 暗号学
- graph theory
- グラフ理論
- simultaneous translation
- 同時通訳
- native tongue
- 母国語
- (course) registration
- (履修) 登録
- enrollment
- (履修) 登録
- electronic learning support system
- 電子学習支援システム
- repeater
- 再履修者
- digit
- 桁
- spam/junk
- 迷惑メール
- algorithm
- アルゴリズム
- greatest common denominator
- 最大公約数
- factor
- 約数
- Euclid
- ユークリッド
- deadline
- 締切
- decimal (number representation)
- 十進法
- binary (number representation)
- 二進法
- n-ary (number representation)
- n進法
- textbook
- 教科書
- reference book
- 参考書